On Creating a Marathon Race Strategy

On Creating a Marathon Race Strategy

A step by step guide to creating a marathon race plan.
I. Preparatory Work:
  • Review Your Why
  • Review Your Goal
  • Review Your Training
  • Review Your Course
  • Review Your Heart
II.Align Your Fitness/Circumstances with Your Objective
  • How Likely Are You To Achieve Your Goal
    • 90-100% Likely: Negative Split
    • 80-90% Likely: Slight Negative Split
    • Less Than 80%: Even Split
  • How To Assess Your Fitness
    • Long Runs - How many 20+? Quality Long Runs? Closes?
    • Tempo/Threshold Work - Helpful but less indicative; if you are good at them, it is very helpful, if not then reassess ability to reach goal.
    • 10K & Faster - These are supports to the marathon training, not indicative of marathon specific fitness
  • Personal Strengths/Weaknesses
    • Experience
    • Type of Runner: Steady-Eddie or Speedster?
    • Mental Space
      • Gamer? Or Choker? Or somewhere in between?
      • Confidence
      • Nervousness
  • Course Concerns
    • Course Challenges: Do Your Homework
      • Look At Map/Elevation Profile
        • Check the Elevation Scale! Very important. 
        • Measuring in feet or meters?
        • Tens of or hundreds of?
      • Read Race Reports/Reviews
      • Interview Friends/Training Partners
      • Look For All Intel Possible
    • Uphills/Downhills
      • Special Considerations
      • Rhythm & Flow vs Specific Paces
    • If Training Has Not Factored in The Specifics of Your Challenging Course?
      • Reconsider Racing for Time
      • Be Very Conservative (Aggressive Negative Split)
      • Don’t Make This Mistake Twice
  • Weather IS. But it WILL affect performance.
    • Heat & Humidity
      • Ignore At Your Own Peril
      • it Harder On Heart/Bloodflow
    • Should/When/How You Adjust?
      • Make A Plan 1 Week Out
      • Adjust 2 Days Out
      • Lock In 12 Hours Prior
      • Adjust in Race
III. Make The Plan
  • Decide & Execute
    • Big Picture: Tell The Story/Your Why
      • Two Basic Approaches:
        • Beautiful Race
        • Goal Time
    • Details: Mile By Mile Or Gates?
      • Mile By Mile
        • Closer Detail, More Stress
        • Overwhelming
        • Less Flexibility/More Control
      • Gates
        • Requires Rhythm & Flow
        • Listening To Body
        • Mentally Less Work & Less Stress
    • Factor Course, NOT Weather
    • Do the Details Corroborate the Big Picture?
    • Always Be Closing
IV. Check Your Work
  • Does This Align with Your Training & Your Philosophy?
  • Your Coach’s Philosophy?
  • Do You BELIEVE In It?
  • Can You DO IT?