The Rhythm of Life & Death: Cycles in Running

The Rhythm of Life & Death: Cycles in Running

Happy Vernal Equinox 2024. Last night at 10pm we shifted seasons. This marks the scientific & mythic transition from winter into spring. It’s associated with Easter & the death burial & resurrection of Christ & the temporary return of Persphone, goddess of Spring,  from her enslavement in the underworld with Hades for the rejuvenation of the crops & cycle of agriculture. 
For many runners, it marks the final preparations for the annual pilgrimage to Hopkinton & the most desired starting line experience on the planet, the Boston Marathon. It marks for HSers the beginning of outdoor season, cut grass & the taste of blood at the finish of track races. 
I want to use this opportunity to highlight the importance of cycles & rhythms in a  runner’s life. For so many athletes I see a disregard for the season & cycles of life that make a significant impact on our bodies, minds & souls.